Friday 31 August 2012

Underground [TS3]

Underground [TS3]

Underground.  The place where we call home, the only place where we feel safe enough to wonder around without being chased by pitchforks and torches out of this town that we’ve become so enamored with. The underground is our haven, our home and it will stay that way until the werewolves get run out of the beautiful Twin brook. Once they have left we can rise again to the surface and live freely with the humans just like we used to decades ago.

The underground is dirty and cold but we can handle it, we have everything we need down here. Plasma, beds, entertainment and more, everything but fresh air and sunlight however we can live without those for now.

Just 30 years ago vampires and human’s lived together peacefully, we had a deal with the breathers. Those who commit a crime punishable by death, they would be killed by the vampires in the only way we know how to. We would drain them of blood slowly, painful for them yet satisfying for us. But when there was no crime we would get our fix off of a tree which grew these plasma fruits, it tastes like fresh blood and smells as copper y as it. We lived peacefully and for the first time on record, we mingled like we weren’t different species. The vampires could send their children to the same school as the humans did, humans worked together with vampires in order to make a stable society. However, vampires and humans began to breed and make little hybrids. It seemed to be fine with everyone in town. If they were in love then the deserved to start a family. There used to be more hybrids than there are now, it seemed as if the werewolves were angry with the new species and they attacked shortly after hearing about them.

Maybe it was the threat the new species caused the werewolves, they kept their blood line clean and pure. Werewolves were proud creatures; their elders ruled the ways and banished or even killed if one stepped out of place. It was a cruel life for the wolves but they continued to abide by the rules and they killed all the hybrids that they could. Human’s lost their lives too; we were run down underground by the pack. Although we had more against them, the wolves wouldn’t back down, we had to protect the humans that had accepted us and made us part of their community.  We sacrificed our freedom for the lives of the others and because of that; some of the humans visit us from time to time. Not often, they had to make it past the big werewolves to get to us but when they could, they did.
Most hybrids, adult to baby were slaughtered that day. Killed in front of their families by a stake through the heart or a straight arrow to the back of the head, hybrids were 100times weaker then fully fledged vampires and so they couldn’t stop the werewolves nor protect themselves from the attacking . That was the day that vampires were run out of town, we took refuge under the town with just one baby alive out of nearly 50 vampires. That small baby was the only hybrid to survive, little Lucia had different DNA to the others who were slaughtered. Through her infant years, it seemed to everyone that she was a full vampire. She had the eyes, the visible fangs even the pale tint to her skin throughout her childhood but when she hit her 18th birthday it was like she turned full human. She had no vampire features anymore, her skin was now dull and her eyes were human blue. It puzzled everyone underground; many thought she was cursed but the doctor made Lucia go through tests after tests in the hospital part of our community.

The conclusion was final. A human girl had carried Lucia after strangely having sex with a male vampire. Male vampires rarely ever had sex with human females because of their smell and the fact a woman’s euphoria caused the females blood to pump much faster and usually they’d expose their necks. Tempting the male vampire to drink from them, rarely any human females survive having sex with a vampire. Lucia was the exception, her blood was 75% human and she, that day, would be our saviour.

Lucia could get to the humans and help us plan a double attack on the werewolves, one from underground and the other from those they looked upon as weaker, the humans would have to be trained. Lucia would have to be ready to train, fight and kill before she left the tunnels.

With Lucia’s blood being mainly human she could sneak past the werewolves and claim she was lost, her mother was still in the town. She smelt human but she had the vampire strength and the unbreakable skin, things that were passed down by her father. It was a long shot that the plan would work but it was our only shot of getting back to the peaceful life that we shared with the breathers, it was all everyone here thought of.

Lucia was our last hope.
Chapter one - The only way out.

“Can she hear me?”
“Will she really be our saviour?”
“She’s only a hybrid, how can she help us now?”
“She’s a hybrid, she will never last out on the surface"

Breathing in and out, in and out slowly kept Lucia calm. She felt out of place here where Lucia was the only one who needed the use of her lungs to survive.  She glanced at the face of the doubter; Dr Gretae sat beside her, the cold hand of the full vampire braced on the hybrid’s knee. “Lucia’s a hybrid yes; she’s a strong hybrid though. Not weak at all, her father was the vampire meaning she can seem human but have vampire qualities. She is out last hope family. Lucia is our saviour” Doctor Gretae said, standing to address the conference that was taking place.

Lucia began rocked slightly in her chair; all the pressure was building up on her making it harder for her to breathe. So many people doubted her abilities, many hated Lucia but others adored her and that itself was hard. She was being pulled in different directions, too many actually for her mind to handle. Some wanted her to go to the surface and build up a human army and others believed the whole thing was just plain dumb.

At first even Lucia herself, doubted the plan. She was a young hybrid; she didn’t have the same abilities as the vampires so how would she ever live up to the expectations of the others. However after tests by Dr Gretae and examinations by her team, she began to believe in herself again. Lucia knew that it was up to her to help her friends, her family and her species. That small thought alone would be enough to get Lucia through the hard training she will have to do before returning to the surface; everything that will happen would be worth it if she could save them.
“But how do we know? Does this hybrid have anything special about her or is she plain?” A woman shouted across the table, I wanted to yell back at her, to scream and rip out her old, dry hair but I breathed through my nose and plastered a smile on my face. “If you want my help and the training I can give, you will have to do more than shove a folder of notes at me. These all explain her chromosomes and DNA, I have no interest in those unless they mean that she’s special enough to get us out of this hell hole. I mean the magazines in this room are years old, everyone is wishing to see the stars again…” She paused and glanced into Lucia’s bright blue eyes.

“I’m not plain.” I hissed through clenched teeth, “not in the least. If you were listening to anything Doctor Gretae has just said then you would know, wouldn’t you?” 
“That’s enough Lucia!” Dr G snapped, pushing me back against my chair. Her eyes glistening red, she was mad at me again. “Mrs Cudfurd, Lucia is special. Lucia read Mrs Cudfurd’s mind. Dig deep in there, make sure to get her 4th thought, she won’t be happy until she experiences what you can do”

She stood up and braced my arms on the table, Lucia looked at Mrs Cudfurd’s eyes and clenched her fists and her eyes shut. She shot straight into her mind; the thoughts were confusing and painful all at once. She was so pessimistic about her task. “Rain. I want to feel rain on my skin again.” Lucia suddenly blurted out, her eyes opening from the random thought, she adverted her eyes from Mrs Cudfurd’s. She felt like she was the bad person, Lucia had no right to intrude her thoughts, her memories, her wishes and wants.

Mrs Cudfurd stood up from her seat and scowled at Lucia, “you had no right to enter my mind without my permission hybrid. How dare you demonstrate on me!?” She yelled, obviously pissed at Lucia’s intrusion into her private thoughts.

“Mrs Cudfurd calm down, you asked and we showed you. Isn’t that what you wanted?” Dr G smirked evilly at the old vampire, sometimes the doctor scared Lucia, something was different about Gretae… But Lucia couldn’t put her finger on what exactly. “You will be shown what Lucia can do in due time, what we need now is you on board with the plan we have. It’s the only way everyone can see the stars again, feel the rain on their skin again. Lucia is the only hope we have of getting back what we once had, don’t you want that Mary?”

Mary Cudfurd shook her head and let out a long sigh. “If I say yes and she dies up there how will that make me look? People would call me naïve and as a respected person in this shitty underground I will not risk that unless it’s full proof.” Mrs Cudfurd looked at the stoned wall and braced her hand upon it, Lucia watched closely. “Personally, I believe It’ll take at least 3 months to train this hybrid but then she will have to try to teach it to the other vampires in order to make sure she knows what she’s doing. It will be a length process if I accept. You.”  Mary pointed at Lucia “It will be training at least 12 hours out of every day and I don’t think you can handle it hybrid”

Lucia growled under her breathe, the old lady kept using hybrid as a derogative word. That stung the young half and half, her heart began racing and she couldn’t hold in her anger any longer. 

I will do everything it takes to train. I will be able to cope with that because I am a hybrid. I’m half vampire, half human so stop using hybrid every time you refer to me!” Lucia yelled, her human blood racing around her body causing her whole body to heat up. Dr Gretae knew if Lucia got any angrier she would let Mrs Cudfurd know the full extent of her powers, ones that not even Lucia was aware of yet. “I want to make sure you know that I will give up everything to help everyone stuck here because everyone here is my family, even you. If I die up there, I will die trying to get back our freedom and I need your help to make me stronger and ready for the fight.”

“Don’t you dare raise your voice to me!” Mary yelled back at the young girl. How dare a young hybrid yell at a respected person in the community? She brushed her hair off of her shoulder “don’t speak like that again in front of me.”

“Aw. Did I hurt the old lady’s feelings? I’m asking you for help, begging you actually.” Lucia snapped, ready to burst but Gretae placed her cold hand on Lucia’s shoulder and squeezed tightly.

“Lucia stop yelling. It won’t help us, now breathe and calm down before I send you into the small surgery room.” The doctor smiled at Lucia happily. “Let me handle this, okay?”

“Fine” Lucia scowled and nodded. At least this meant she wouldn’t have to talk to the ignorant lady again. Lucia brushed down her shirt and continued to breathe slowly, her blood cooling slowly and the pinkness tint to her skin disappeared.

Once Lucia calmed down enough, she began listening to their conversation again. Mrs Cudfurd looked at the calmer hybrid and frowned. “Is she our only hope?” she sighed, seeming like she was beginning to give in to helping Lucia train, “is there no other way?”

The doctor shook her head and pointed at Lucia’s eyes. “She is all we have. Lucia looks like a fully human, her eyes will darken once she’s on the surface and she’ll look normal. The wolves will have nothing to stop her from entering the town; she can go to her mother and stay with her before gaining the trust of the other humans. Once she has the trust, she will train them slowly.” She explained, Lucia knew that there would be room for her to fail but she was determined to do everything in her power to help-even if that meant risking her life for everyone else to live theirs.”

Mary nodded slowly. “How will I train her if I do agree, I don’t know much about hybrids…”

“Like you train a vampire, Lucia will tell you if something is too much. She’ll work hard on her training, like she does everything else. We’ve been researching some of the humans by getting photos and information from those who visit, we’ve gained at least 30 profiles built and Lucia did them all with little help from anyone. She has dedication and the heart to try to save us.” Dr Gretae explained and it seemed to soften Mary’s expression as she looked at Lucia.

Lucia glanced back at the old woman, her golden eyes longing for the rain and the feeling of the wind in her hair again. The pain in her eyes was there for anyone to recognise, Lucia smiled softly at the old vampire. “I will do everything I can to get us out of here.”
“Then I’ll…” Mrs Cudfurd began.

“I heard yelling, what’s wrong?” A male vampire jumped in the room in a protective stance, his fangs slowing slightly. He glanced around the room and straightened up, retracting his fangs and chuckling nervously. “Well fuck, that’s embarrassing. I thought you guys were in shit again.”

“If you accept, I promise to work harder than I ever have before.” Lucia promised, taking no notice of her stupid friend who had just rudely came into the room with his fangs peeking out of his mouth. “I swear.”

Mary looked confused at the young vampire’s intrusion. Doctor Gretae laughed to break the silence which had appeared because of Casper, “Lucia, you’re no longer needed. Go with Casper please and I’ll finish up the talking here, I will meet you in the little labs in an hour.” She smiled and motioned Mrs Cudfurd to sit down again. “I have more notes that you’ll want to go over.”

“But…” Lucia began to disobey the doctors’ orders. “Shouldn’t I stay?” she asked, blinking at the fast changing direction the conference had taken. “I mean you are talking about me.”

“No need for you now, you are excused. Mary has met you and she knows of your gifts, you are no longer needed” the Doctor smiled sickly at Lucia before grabbing even more folders from the box and placing them on the table in front of the old vampire. “More in depth analysis on her athletic side and her powers she possesses.”

Lucia dragged Casper out of them room and slapped his cheek hard “You stupid motherfucking vampire. God, you’re so dumb! We were so close to getting Mrs Cudfurd to agree to train me! So close then you come in being all brave and shit, what the fuck is wrong with you? Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a little vampire?”

“Hey! I thought you guys were in trouble again, last time I heard yelling there was a commotion where you could have gotten hurt. I came just in case; I was being a good friend”

“Well. Don’t come rushing into a room like that when I’ve told you what was happening today, or did you forget?” Lucia laughed loudly when he nodded slightly. “What a stupid vampire”

“I told you when you were a little one that I’d protect you and I will when I can.” Casper smiled softly at his friend and touched her forearm, “and I will continue to protect you as much as I can. You mean so much to me Luce”

“Don’t call me Luce, Casper” Lucia blushed slightly, Casper always got too close to her. It made her feel uncomfortable and slightly nervous, she felt flutters in her stomach but put it down to him being a vampire getting to close for her liking. “Anyway, soon I will be on the surface and you’ll be here. You can’t protect me forever.”

Casper’s eyes lightened and he shook his head slowly, “I’ll do my fucking best to keep you safe even when I can’t. When you’re close to going up, I’ll give you something that will help you. It’ll keep my promise safe”

There was always this sexual tension between them. Lucia made it known that they would never be a couple a few years back when she was going through tests; it wouldn’t be fair on Casper to love someone that is very likely to die trying to save them all. She did care for the vampire, there was no doubt there but she cared too much about him to let her feelings ruin what they had. She lowered her head and giggled softly “I hate it when you’re cryptic Cas.”

“I know” He smirked and kissed her forehead softly, “why do you think I do it so often?” Casper teased, poking her sides causing her to begin laughing loudly.

“I-I hate you!” She said between fits of laughter.

“Gosh, just fucking kiss already!” Felix laughed at the scene unfolding in front of him. He was one of the younger vampires in this place and one of the most inappropriate vampires that ever lived. “You two need to either kiss or fuck, you could cut the tension in here with a butter-knife but we don’t have one in here... So you have to fuck to get rid of it or we’ll all die from your sexual tension”

Felix was one of Lucia’s closest friends, he and Casper treated her with both respect and like she was just like them. They didn’t see her as a ‘breather’ or as a ‘hybrid’. They saw Lucia as the obnoxious, clumsy person which they both loved. Felix laughed as Lucia’s cheeks flushed an even deeper red and Casper began straightening out his ruffled clothes.

“Shut up man” Casper glared at the unwanted interruption.

“You love me really” Felix stuck out his tongue and walked towards the two embarrassed friends with a smirk plastered on his features. “Or have you two already done the deed and not told me!? Oh the shame!” Felix laughed as Lucia ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

“What will get you to shut up about us?” Lucia asked, wanting nothing more in that moment but to crawl underneath her bed and stay there for a few days. She didn’t cope well with embarrassment especially when it had something to do with Casper.

Felix hugged his best friend close and grinned at Casper, “Aw look he’s jealous that you’d hug me but not him. Or did you give him that special hug that the humans used to tell their kids about when they asked about babies?”

“Ugh! Felix!” Lucia shook her head and held her heated cheeks “I love you but seriously please drop it. Casper’s a friend. Nothing more, nothing less, we’re just friends”

“Ultra-friendzoned!” Felix cackled, “But you two obviously want each other. I mean I saw your leg over his waist as he was tickling you and girl, don’t deny that you wanted to feel his junk against you”

Casper grinned at Lucia as her jaw dropped. “I… Was using my leg to… Push away from him!” She almost yelled her eyes wide and her cheeks a deep shade of crimson.

“Or pull him towards you” Felix snorted with laughter as Lucia failed to find her voice through her embarrassment. “I’m only joking, love.”  He cuddled her again and kissed her hair, “you make this way too fun.”

“Dude…” Casper began, feeling the jolt of jealously from watching the girl he wanted being kissed by another man. “Stop” He didn’t want to growl at Felix, if he did he would tease her even more and it already looked as if Lucia was going to curl up on the ground and try to die.

“Fine” Felix squeezed Lucia before letting her go. “I’m heading into the sports part near the end of this place to play some football with some of the guys. Want to come guys?” He asked, stretching and rubbing his arm. Felix loved sports and Lucia made a mental note to ask Felix to help her with her training if Mrs Cudfurd agreed. “It’ll be fun!”

Lucia shook her head, “I have to wait for Gretae, she wants me to try a new potion plus I’ll get to know if Mary accepted me.”  She leaned against the cold wall and smiled. “I promise to watch you guys play another time, are you heading out too Cas?”
Casper narrowed his eyes at Lucia, was she teasing him back? “Err… I’ll stick it out here too.” As soon as he said it, he immediately regretted it.

Felix grinned and began walking out of the room ”I’m sure you’ll stick it somewhere, anyway, later lovers”

“I hate him sometimes” Lucia laughed and smiled at Casper, his eyes were glowing again. Weird, he must only have those bright eyes when another vampire wasn’t present. “Hey, are you okay?”

Casper rubbed the back of his neck and nodded, “peachy” Casper nodded slowly and walked towards the old couch. “Sit” He pointed to Lucia then to the sofa, “please” He added when she didn’t budge. When she sat down Casper sighed and looked at her closely, he touched her cheek gently then walked away again. Lucia watched him with eyes wide, what was he doing?

“Cas… Are you okay?” She repeated her question with worried eyes, he was scaring her. She put her legs up on the sofa and looked up at him, “Cas. Answer me before I come over there and slap you again” Lucia warned.

Casper rested his hands against the couch and scowled at his hands before raising his head to meet Lucia’s worried blue eyes, his resolve crumbled and Casper made a groaning noise. “I’m thinking Luce” He rubbed his temple and regained what little composure he had. “I’m thinking… That maybe Felix is right.”

“What?” Lucia asked confused, “right about what?”

Cas groaned loudly and rubbed his face. “Never mind, never mind. I’m just thinking right now Luce.” How could he tell her that he wanted more than what he thought they could ever had? He tried to tell her then but she didn’t take the bait, Casper paced the length of the room before kicking the sofa. “Gah.”

“What’s wrong Cas, you know you can tell me anything right?” Lucia asked, standing to try to comfort her friend, she smiled softly at his annoyed expression. He never was great with words but his actions spoke for him. “I know something’s wrong.”

“It’s just… I can’t… Stop… Thin-“ Casper began, looking at his shoes on the cold stone floor.

“Lucia, am I interrupting?” Dr Gretae spoke up, watching the two closely and smirking. She always knew that these two were made for each other but now wasn’t the time to get caught up in a relationship.

Lucia span around and shook her head, smiling at the doctor “One second.” She turned to Casper “I’ll be right back and when I do, I want you to tell me”

Casper didn’t get a chance to reply, by the time he reacted to her words, she was already running towards Gretae. At least now he had some time to get the right words together to tell Lucia how he really felt or think of something to get him out of telling her how he felt. Either way, he had the time to get himself and his words ready.

“So?” Lucia bounced in front of Gretae excitedly, her heart began racing again from the anticipation of finding out her fate. A light blush covered her cheeks.

“She said yes and you will begin training in exactly a week. Until then, you will do stretches daily to loosen you up more. This won’t be easy Lucia; you won’t have much time for anything else.“ The doctor smiled at the burst of squealing that emitted from the hybrid at the good news, she couldn’t help but notice Casper watching this with wide eyes.

“AH! Of course! I know that, I can’t believe she said yes!”

"There was no doubt in my mind Lucia, deep down she knew that you would be our only hope. Plus you're a strong hybrid, not as strong as full vampires but close enough for her to work with." The doctor smiled softly at her

“The notes on your athletic tests persuaded her to take you on; it showed her that you do have vampire in you and that you will try your damn hardest. Now, this may sound weird but in 5 minutes I have something for you to try so I want you to meet me outside the lab, if this works it will make you getting out of here unnoticed even easier.” The doctor smiled widely. The whole plan was beginning to fall into place; all that was needed to do now was actually get training.  “I will page you when it’s ready but if I don’t before 5 minutes, please still come.”

Lucia nodded. “I will.” She watched Gretae go into the hall that led to her lab, once she was out of site, Lucia ran squealing towards Casper who was watching every move she made .

“She said yes!” Lucia squealed jumping into Casper’s arms and snuggling into his chest. “Mrs Cudfurd is going to train me and then we can finally get out of this place and get the fresh air back, it’s really happening now Cas!” Lucia sounded happy and yet Cas didn’t smile.

“That’s great” He said with sarcasm lining his voice. Although he wanted to return to the surface he didn't want to risk the life of the one person he cared so much for, Casper wanted to be supportive but how could he when it was more likely that she would die then succeed? How could he watch the person he loved set herself up for failure?

“Wait… Aren’t you happy for me? For everyone?” Lucia asked, feeling slightly hurt by her friends lack of enthusiasm. When he didn’t reply, Lucia took offense. “What the hell Casper? What did I do now?”

Lucia’s paged erupted in her pocket just as Casper opening his mouth to speak, he sighed “It’s what you didn’t do. Think.” Cas looked at Lucia and shook his head before walking in the same direction Felix left in. Some sport seemed as if it might help Casper’s emotions, he could forget her for a while. He could forget everything she was going to do for a small amount of time.

“Cas-“She began but the noise coming from the pager annoyed her and by the time she had stopped the beeps he was gone. “Goddamn it!” She swore at the inanimate object before storming off towards the Doctor’s lab. “The hell just happened?” She mumbled, stomping her feet with each step. Throwing a small tantrum because of Casper's reaction, she expected him to be happy, not act like a total douchebag.

When she turned in the corridor, Gretae was already there with green liquid smiling widely. “I did it I think, drink up, drink up!” she passed the beaker to Lucia and watched closely.

Without a second thought, Lucia lifted the beaker to her lips and swallowed the content. It tasted like old eggs and water mixed together, she tried not to gag and throw it up. “Drink it all” Gretae said, fist pumping the air. Lucia drank everything and coughed loudly when nothing else was left.

“Well…?” The doctor said, looking at Lucia closely making sure that she was okay. However nothing seemed to happen to her. Meaning the potion was a total fail again. “Damn. Needs more CuC0 I think.” And with that she ran in her vampire speed back into the labs.

Lucia suddenly felt dizzy and she fell to the ground with a thump at the contact. Her breathing had sped up and her vision became blurry, she wanted to yell for the doctor but she couldn’t find her voice.

Lucia tried to stand up but her legs refused to move, they felt too heavy just like her eyelids. Her back was the next part of her body to feel too heavy for her, he back gave out and she fell into a laying position on the cold dirty floor; she turned over and watched the wall become blurrier and blurrier with every passing second. She cried out in agony as her back clicked and clunked loudly.

Then Lucia heard someone yell her name loudly,you could hear the panic which layered the person's voice.
And then nothing, everything fell black.

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1 comment:

Penny said...

Loveeeeee it! Your an amazing writer!!